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Netzwerk Wissenschaftsgeschichte und
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Robert A. Nye (Oregon State University, Corvallis)
The Bio-Sexual Foundations of the Modern Concept of Gender

Donnerstag, 8. Dezember 2005
14 Uhr ct - 16 Uhr
Raum IG 1.418

Paul Klee, Eros

The term "gender" as a concept describing the differences between men and women is of very recent historical origin. But it has made so much progress that it has begun to rival the term "sex" as a descriptor of male and female difference in English, especially, but not exclusively, in American culture. While some of this can be explained by reference to American "political correctness", there are other substantive reasons that depend on 20th century developments in biology and medicine which also explain this shift in linguistic usage.

Robert A. Nye lehrt am Department of History der Oregon State University in Corvallis. Er hat ausgiebig zum Themenfeld des Vortrags publiziert.

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